The Book Trailer

Well I bowed to teen pressure and created a book trailer for Banished:

It is my first attempt and I can see so many areas where I could improve.  It took me about two hours to create – half an hour of that was in learning how to use Movie Maker, another half an hour to play around with the music – and it’s still not exactly right – and a huge amount choosing which photos to use.  Next time I’ll be more prepared and my mind is already buzzing with the images I’ll use.  In fact I think I’ll do a storyboard of the next trailer – I see now why they are so important.

If you haven’t ever done a book trailer, try it, just for a laugh.  The younger generation love them (apparently) and there is quite a following out there.  Maybe it’s the entertainment factor.

About Bea Turvey apprentice author and witch

I am a wild-haired author who cannot stop writing. The writing process is not a task for me. It is an extension of myself. When I write, I lose myself as easily as if I slipped into the story for a swim. Writing became a serious part of my life in Decmber of 2009. Unless you're reading this in 2017 it wasn't that long ago, and the bug hit me hard and fast. My first novel, Banished, was published in March 2010 and is available at If you read it, or anything else I've written, I hope you'll post a review and let me know why you liked it - or even why not!
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7 Responses to The Book Trailer

  1. Pingback: Here’s a trailer for my books. | Chazz Writes

    • I really like the ripple effect and the consistency (picture, title, two line presse) when you show each book. Short and sweet – long=boring. I’m amazed you were able to find the right words to encapsulate your book details. It is one of the hardest things for me.
      The other thing I find particularly difficult is selecting the right music – it is so evocative and you want to ‘hit the right note’. Particularly so in your case as you are trying to fit all the books under one musical umbrella. I think you managed it very well.

  2. Pingback: What if I don’t have a book trailer? | Out of the Woods

  3. Pingback: Book trailers: Problems and solutions | Chazz Writes

  4. Not that I want to rain on my own parade, but this is an amazing book trailer:
    That is art.

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