Purity (Cursed #3) Review

3 of 5 stars false

 Let me start by saying I really enjoyed the other books in this series.  In fact, that last one had me in begging desperation for this one and I scanned the webpages weekly for a publication date.  But I have to say I was disappointed.  The writing quality is the same, the characters are the same, but the big pulling romance just twanged.  In the last book we left Perdita and Nathan released from the curse.  Supposedly, their obsessive connection had disappeared and we were given the impression that their love was the curse and nothing but the curse.  However, in this book, from almost the beginning, we are disabused of this idea.  The couple are still soulmates and as the book progresses it discloses Nathan’s desperate feelings which made me ask ‘Whaaa..?’ when it came to the scene on the patio.  Seriously?  ‘Could he do this?’   Why would he want to?  Why would he even ask the question?  That moment there, when I’d been desperate for more <em>connection</em> just destroyed the anticipation.  Then, as a sucking counterpoint we get few measly paragraphs of togetherness.

Then, there is the big

******************SPOILER ALERT***********

abduction and we are left hanging once more.  Their connection, the compulsive adoration, the long looks and heart-wrenching avowals of affection made the books for me. 

Also, and this is my final negative comment, the ending – talk about draggggggg.  If you’re going to have a long ending in a series like this please make it about the couple.  We needed more.  I needed more!  Feeling seriously short-changed in the romance department.  Perhaps if I’d left it a day before reviewing I’d have given it 4 stars, but I’m feeling glum and pouty.

View all my reviews

About Bea Turvey apprentice author and witch

I am a wild-haired author who cannot stop writing. The writing process is not a task for me. It is an extension of myself. When I write, I lose myself as easily as if I slipped into the story for a swim. Writing became a serious part of my life in Decmber of 2009. Unless you're reading this in 2017 it wasn't that long ago, and the bug hit me hard and fast. My first novel, Banished, was published in March 2010 and is available at http://www.amazon.co.uk/Banished-ebook/dp/B008PGM4TQ/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1361913026&sr=8-1. If you read it, or anything else I've written, I hope you'll post a review and let me know why you liked it - or even why not!
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