Offers and stings

Oh My God! Oh My God! Oh My God!  That was my reaction when I checked my emails last night and saw one from an agent enthusing over my submission and requesting a look at the rest of my manuscript.  I was so excited I nearly … well, you get the picture.  Then, I thought to myself ‘hold on – they’re not on my list!’  Then I realised that she was someone who’d contacted me a few weeks ago requesting a sample of my work, which I did, and I forgot to follow-up on my intention to check out her company – long story short, they are a vanity press!  I deflated but my sister-in-law tells me to look on the bright side – at least she liked the submission!

So, here I am waiting again.  With a swollen foot – that’s where the sting bit comes in. Mowing the lawn on Saturday – toes itched (thought it was athlete’s foot at first) then two toes swelled up.  A few hours later swelling increased to all toes, that night – itchtastic! – foot swelled up!  Yesterday morning the swelling had crept up past my ankle.  Went to the doctor yesterday afternoon and was told I’d had a black fly bite.  Of course, now the itching has stopped (almost) but the swelling remains. 

And the lawn needs mowing again…..

…and I haven’t written anything since Sunday!

About Bea Turvey apprentice author and witch

I am a wild-haired author who cannot stop writing. The writing process is not a task for me. It is an extension of myself. When I write, I lose myself as easily as if I slipped into the story for a swim. Writing became a serious part of my life in Decmber of 2009. Unless you're reading this in 2017 it wasn't that long ago, and the bug hit me hard and fast. My first novel, Banished, was published in March 2010 and is available at If you read it, or anything else I've written, I hope you'll post a review and let me know why you liked it - or even why not!
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